
A microprocessor is a programmable electronics chip that has computing and decision making capabilities similar to central processing unit of a computer. Any microprocessor based systems having limited number of resources are called microcomputers. 

Nowadays, microprocessor can be seen in almost all types of electronics devices like mobile phones, printers, washing machines etc. Microprocessors are also used in advanced applications like radars, satellites and flights. 

Due to the rapid advancements in electronic industry and large scale integration of devices results in a significant cost reduction and increase application of microprocessors and their derivative


A microcontroller (MCU is a microcontroller unit) is a small computer on a single metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) integrated circuit (IC) chip. The microcontroller contains one or more CPUs (processor cores) as well as memory and programmable input/output peripherals. Program memory in the form of ferroelectric RAM, NOR flash memory, or OTP ROM is also often included in the chip, as well as a small amount of RAM. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications and are different from microprocessors used in personal computers or other general-purpose applications composed of various discrete chips.